The Kulen Allah Cattle Rearers Association of Nigeria (KACRAN) has urged ECOWAS to review its military option against Niger Republic.
KACRAN in a press statement signed by its National President, Hon Khalil Mohd Bello National President also expressed sadness over the toppling of a democratic government by the military junta on Niger.
The Statement
KACRAN is extremely sad about the recent happening in Niger and quite interesting to state that, for almost three weeks now, the entire World’s attention is on the negative political development in the State where suddenly and undreamably the Military junta is in total negation to the consideration of the beautifully stipulated laws and regulations of the Republic where the juntas usurped the mantle of leadership from Alh Mohammad Bazoum, the democratically elected President of the Niger Republic.
And happened so not because of Niger’s population, size, economy or military might but because of its fullest Operation of genuine democratic system of Governance which is only comparable to that of Europe where leaders are freely elected based on merit and the number of followers they have in the country. Niger is playing a vital role in the International Politics and is making a strong fight against terrorism in the Sahelian States and the West African Sub-region and helping the Federal Republic of Nigeria to fight bandits and insurgents as well as hosting hundred thousands internally displaced people from Nigeria, who are currently leaving peacefully, happily and feeling at home in the Country.
Another undeniable factor that give Niger Republic added advantage or upper hand in the International Politics is the sincerity and charismatic nature of President Mohammad Bazoum who is actively and relentlessly day and night working assiduously towards maintaining peace in his country, Sahel region, Nigeria by promoting the economic and living standard of his people which the world bank classified/ranked her amongst the fastest growing economy within the entire African continent.
It is in view of the above historical back ground of Niger Republic that we of Kulen Allah Cattle Rearers Association of Nigeria ( KACRAN), wish to strongly call on the ECOWAS member States to wholistically review their stand on the economic sanction and possibility of taking military action against our beloved Neighboring country, Niger.
KACRAN clarion call on the issue under reference is based on the below verifiable reasons:
We are totally not in support of any economic sanction against Niger Republic for the reason that the sanction would be more harmful and disastrous to the poor masses of Niger, Nigeria and her other neighbors than on the culprits and their surrogates.
We are against any military intervention by ECOWAS or European countries for the reason that the said act would create more insecurity in Niger, Nigeria and other Sahelian states as this will lead to unnecessary fight between the intervention force and the Niger Republic army and the civilians who would be deluded by the military under the cover of nationalism to join the fight as volunteers.
There is a tendency that, the process of restoring democracy in the said country under the able leadership of President Bazoum, the risk that the President and his good family might be affected.
The possibility of the success in the said military action is highly questionable, because even if they succeeded in bringing him back to power, they wouldn’t stay there permanently to depend his Government as we have seen in the cases of Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya.
The military action in Niger republic as in any west African states would directly affect pastoral occupation in the entire region. It will make the free movement of livestock from one State to another in search of Animal feeds and water points as stipulated in the ECOWAS rules extremely difficult which would bring another problem to our members.
The action would seriously lead to the widespread of terrorists and their terrorism activities in Niger, Nigeria and Sahelian States, because if ECOWAS succeeded in defeating the culprits, there is the tendency that they would move with their guns into hinterlands and forcing people to join the bandits just like that of Boko-haram insurgency days.
It would highly devastate the economy of Niger as we said earlier and that of Northern states of Nigeria who are in commercial activities with one another even prior to the coming of Arabs traders or European colonialists.
It will painfully break the very old mutual relationship/economic ties between Niger Republic and Northern states of Nigeria who are from onset of things, blood brothers.
The action would totally negate the Principal fact that, in the world international relations, economic interest is Paramount than any other interest.
It would seriously ruin or break the inter-state agreement reached in the year 1960, between Nigeria and Niger Republic that Niger would not dam River Niger for electricity purpose and irrigation but in return, Nigeria assured Niger of having constant supply of electricity. Alas, the gentlemen agreement has already been sorrowfully broken down by Nigeria when it cut up Nigeria power supply because of recent coup de’tat.
The action shall bring more hardship and instability of Government in many west African region due to unbearable hardship that goes with the action.
It would render many innocent Nigerians refugees who conveniently regarded Niger Republic as their second country helpless.
And above all, it would create anarchism in many west African states due to the inability of many Government in the region to properly over come the number of hundred thousands rebels that may emerge due to the military invention of Niger republic.
It will lead to the distruction of many lives and properties since the culprists would not fold their arms waiting for the ECOWAS force to conquer them.
In view of the above unavoidable danger, lives and economic risk associated with taking aforementioned Military action against the Army of Niger Republic, we members of KACRAN as West Africa’s peace and development lovers and who would be directly affected with the urgly consequences of any war or military confrontation by ECOWAS member States, passionately appeal and make a strong call on West African countries to wholistically review their Military threat against Niger Republic and engage in a dialogue and Diplomatic approaches to solve the political and military problems in their sister States more especially Niger Republic which due to the ECOWAS pressure on her became one of the hot issues of highest interest in the world.
So help us God.
Hon Khalil Mohd Bello National President