The Kulen Allah Cattle Rearers Association of Nigeria (KACRAN), has lauded the Federal Government for establishing the North East Development Commission (NEDC) and urged the commission to ensure equity and justice to all, particularly Pastoralists in its interventions.
The National President of KACRAN, Hon. Khalil Mohd Bello, made the call in a press statement on Tuesday.
Below is the statement:
“There is no gain denying the fact that Kulen Allah Cattle Rearers Association of Nigeria (KACRAN) had joined millions of Nigerians to express its profound joy and appreciation to the federal government of Nigeria for establishing the North East Development Commission (NEDC).
“The pastoral communities of the Northeast were initially filled with great enthusiasm and hope upon the establishment of the NEDC. They were led to believe that the commission was established with the specific purpose of reconstructing the region after the devastating impact of Boko Haram activities, providing support to vulnerable and internally displaced individuals, and revitalizing communities that have suffered tremendously from these tragic events.
“The pastoralists’ highest excitement was innocently based on these promises, and they celebrated the establishment of the NEDC with the anticipation of much-needed assistance.
“However, KACRAN has been disheartened to find that, despite the high regard in which they hold the members of the NEDC’s governing board, the pastoralists’interests seem to have been overlooked as the commission commenced its operations. It has become apparent that the focus of the NEDC’s efforts has been on the urban centers and refugee camps, which are more visible to the presidency and the international community, rather than on the rural areas and villages that have been severely impacted by the aforementioned calamities.
“Representing a significant number of pastoralists who have been ravaged by the Boko Haram insurgency and cattle rustling,KACRAN has voiced its grievances and concerns to the NEDC and the presidency through national media outlets, including print, electronic, and social platforms.
“KACRAN’s primary concerns include the marginalization and neglect by the Commission, the dire need for access to potable water for both people and livestock, the provision of animal feed during the dry season, inclusion in the periodic distribution of relief materials, and the integration of its members’ urgent needs into the COMMISSION’S policies and programs, including annual budget allocations.
“It is encouraging to note that during a meeting facilitated by the NEDC Head of Operation at the OASIS Hotel in Damaturu,Yobe State, KACRAN was assured that the commission would attentively consider its valid concerns and act accordingly.This meeting, followed by the distribution of relief materials to our communities, fortified their optimism that the NEDC would indeed address their critical needs, such as the provision of potable water.
“Regrettably, till the NEDC’s first tenure drew to a close, these assurances have yet to be fully realized. KACRAN remains hopeful and prays earnestly for the fulfillment of these commitments.
“KACRAN calls upon the NEDC to uphold the principles of justice and equity and to ensure that the pastoralists of the Northeast are not forgotten but are actively included in the region’s recovery and development efforts.
“So help us God”.