By Zahradeen Mohammed
Ordinarily, one Mikai’lu Nicodemus, the author of a piece published on Desert Herald Newspaper titled ‘Adamawa German Medical Centre: NO HOPE FOR ‘COMMON’ STAFF on October 6, 2020 edition doesn’t need any reply.
This is simply, his pen-choreography demonstrated that he is a blooper that always feeds on malicious hoaxes. In other words, Nicodemus’s news parody or spoof on sensitive issues like that if not immediately tackled, can humbug or become misinformation if the unwary judge it to be credible.
In simple words, scholars in the new neologism called his type of reportage as ‘fake news’ and by implication, such kind of quack journalist need to face the laws of the land.
It is disheartening that the ‘quack journalist’ like Mikai’lu Nicodemus can not differentiate between a driver, cleaner, security and a nurse in a hospital. Then how can he know their remuneration in the civil service?
In his write-up, Nicodemus said, ” currently, AGMC embroiled in gross financial malfeasance as some staffs lament maltreatment of staff, particularly through illegal deductions of salaries and non-payment of new minimum wage without concretes reasons”
Let’s pardon Nicodemus’s grammatical deficiency here and face the subject, the staff of Adamawa German Medical Centre Yola he was referring to here, were those captured in the year 2013, during former Governor Murtala Nyako regime.
They include; drivers, cleaners, security and those axillary ones under maintenance.
After the Governor’s approval of payment of salary arrears of five months, the Accountant General’s office mistakenly paid them ten months and was immediately asked to refund the money straight into Government coffers via sky Bank account.
Only one of them refunded the money having advised by her father who is also a Staff of AG’s office and Nicodemus can obtain the receipt from the state treasury.
The payment made to them was erroneous as nurses they are admin staff and any employee of Adamawa civil service can believe that such a mistake do occur at times.
A circular or notice was issued to that effect on re-variation. By the way, how can a level 3 officer collect fifty-seven thousand naira a month?
All hospitals across Adamawa State paid level 3 officer eighteen thousand naira unless it is being reviewed now with the issue of implementation of a new minimum wage.
How much a graduate is receiving 8/2 in the state civil service and an ordinary auxiliary staff in German should collect fifty-seven thousand and Nicodemus is reporting that is not an overpayment.
All the said Staff were captured as nurses mistakenly in the salary scale and have to be reverted to CONHESS Admin staff.
He can go to AG’s office and request for staff payroll from 2013 to 2016 to see the said Staff on the nurse salary scale.
If those that complained could not go to school, why not Nicodemus that studied journalism could not go to Accountant General’s office to verify issues?
If the writer had a deficiency in Journalistic skills, he should use his common sense in concocting that any aggrieved worker who feels shortchanged should go to industrial court for redress.
Did the said Staff of AGMC Yola shown him an official letter of complaint regarding their deductions either to their management or AG’s office? What legal means is the said Nicodemus even talking about that the faceless staff really exhausted?
My take is that the writer of the report is a quack journalist or panhandler and perhaps, he had some ‘bad days’ during his outing to Adamawa German Medical Centre Yola.
Zahradeen Mohammed, is a member of CIVIL SOCIETY WATCH.